Monday, July 11, 2011

Eat More Fish. Have Less Diabetes

Did you know that diabetes was reaching epidemic proportions? The number of people contracting type 2 diabetes is dramatically rising, and some experts are predicting that diabetes will become the most serious health issue of our generation. While some people take diabetes lightly there is no reason to.
As anyone who has serious type 2 diabetes will tell you it's no laughing matter. Diabetes can have serious implications for your overall lifestyle and your health.
Unfortunately, although the incidence of diabetes is rising dramatically the risk factors are well known. It is firmly understood that amongst other causes, common lifestyle choices have a big effect.
There's a range of risk factors for diabetes including genetic risk factors, and of course if you have a genetic background which makes you predisposed to contracting type 2 diabetes then there's very little that you can do about your genetics.
However there are other risk factors which are not genetic and which you have a lot of control over. Lifestyle factors which are dramatic indications of your likelihood of contracting diabetes include obesity, poor diet and lack of exercise.
Does that sound familiar? These are the same lifestyle factors that contribute to so many other lifestyle diseases. Along with smoking and excessive alcohol intake obesity, poor diet and lack of exercise are amongst the biggest killers in our Western society.
And they are major risk factors to contracting diabetes. Yet despite all of this the incidence of obesity in particular is rising fast in our society.
If you don't have diabetes there's a lot you can do to help reduce your risk of contracting it. Pay more attention to your diet, include more fruit and vegetables in your diet and reduce or eliminate foods high in salt, sugar and bad fats, and in particular processed foods.
Get more exercise. Exercise is one of the single most important things you can do to improve your health generally, and science is recognising the value of exercise to your health more and more every day.
Keep your weight under control or lose weight if you need to. The steps indicated in the previous paragraph will get you a long way towards that end. Atrocious diet and lack of exercise will inevitably lead to weight gain and in many people to obesity, and thereafter to diabetes.
If you have diabetes than your doctor has probably already told you to do all these things, namely exercise more and eat better and lose weight. These are the major controlling factors in any regime to help manage diabetes and people who pay attention to this advice can even reduce their symptoms of diabetes to zero.
And there's something else you can do. Studies are now beginning to show that increasing your intake of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. The essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, known as the Omega 3 fatty acids, are extremely important to good health overall and almost all of us are deficient in our intake of the Omega 3 fats. And you can remedy this by taking high quality Omega 3 supplements.
A new study just published last month in China, where 110,000 people were studied for up to 9 years, concluded that those with the highest intake of fish, in other words the highest intake of the Omega 3 fats, had the lowest prevalence of type 2 diabetes.
And reducing your risk of diabetes is only one of the health benefits that you should attract to yourself from increasing your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids. One of the other health benefits is reducing your risk of dying from heart attack and that has to be worthwhile just on its own.
This advice applies to everybody. All of us should be paying more attention to our health by paying more attention to our diet, exercising more and keeping our weight under control. And there are powerful reasons, including reducing your risk of type II diabetes, for increasing your intake of Omega 3.

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