Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Omega 3 Is Essential to Good Brain Health. You Don't Need Brain Exercises

If you're getting older and worried about your brain health you're not alone. So many people, as they get older, start to realise that their memory isn't as good as it used to be and they don't seem to think as clearly.
Hence the proliferation of websites offering various games, tests and puzzles all designed to help exercise your memory and brain. How boring it is to spend a half hour or an hour every day doing brain exercises.
However it would seem that exercises are not the only way to improve your brain health. There is a growing body of evidence that a low level of Omega 3 in your system contributes to poorer brain function and memory.
In fact the growing scientific data supports conclusions that low levels of Omega 3 in your system can increase the incidence of depression, increase the likelihood of mood disorders, reduce your memory and even age your brain faster.
As much as it seems unlikely, there is now solid scientific evidence that the Omega 3 essential fatty acids are extremely important to overall brain health.
The Omega 3 fatty acids are found primarily, though not exclusively, in fish. The 2 most important of these fats are DHA and EPA.
Unlike most fat, which is considered to be unhealthy, particularly saturated fat, Omega 3 fats are healthy fats, in fact evidence is mounting that they are not only healthy but crucial to a wide range of health conditions.
There's many studies linking Omega 3 with good brain health. The most recent of these, published in the journal Neurology, in February 2012, looked at 1575 people, with an average age of 67, and no evidence of dementia.
The levels of Omega 3 in their blood were measured, and they were given various exercises and tests to perform to measure memory and cognitive performance.
And it was discovered that the people who had the lowest levels of Omega 3 in their blood also exhibited the lowest levels of memory and cognitive performance. Not only that but they also exhibited slightly smaller brains, in fact it was estimated that their brain showed evidence that they had aged more than the brains of people with much higher levels of Omega 3 in the blood.
Whilst there is much more work to do about the link between Omega 3 and brain health, intuitively these conclusions make sense, because the brain is made up largely of fat, and a large proportion of that is DHA, the most important of the Omega 3 fats.
Science, over the last 30 or 40 years, is beginning to understand that an adequate intake of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA is a huge part of maintaining good health, not just your brain but your heart and cardio vascular system as well as being important for maintaining good health generally.
As DHA and EPA are found in greatest proportions in fish it never hurts to eat more fish, though fish is getting more expensive and some of it is now contaminated, leading to warnings by the government.
Most people prefer to improve their DHA and EPA intake using fish oil supplements, which is a cost-effective and simple way of getting Omega 3 fats in your diet every day.
Find out more about the link between Omega 3 and brain health and to find out more about how to choose between all the available brands of Omega 3 supplements on the market, and which supplements I have chosen to take myself.
By all means keep up the brain exercises, if you can. If you love chess that's great. But I certainly got tired of the exercises very quickly.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You Need Omega 3 Fats for Eye Health, Especially If You Have Retinitis Pigmentosa

It has long been known that an adequate supply of the Omega 3 fats is good for you, reducing your risk of heart attack, and therefore death, as well as helping improve a whole range of health conditions.
In fact it seems that there are powerful reasons why those of us whose diets are deficient in the Omega 3 fats should be eating a diet higher in Omega 3, or taking fish oil supplements.
However we don't immediately associate increasing your Omega 3 intake with eye health. And yet there is ample evidence that plenty of the Omega 3 fats DHA and EPA is important to the health of your eyes from the start of your life right through to the end.
In fact the retinas in your eyes have a significant amount of Omega 3 fats in them, and is now being understood that, from early on in life, infants should have a sufficient supply of Omega 3 fats in their diet as this helps with the development of infant visual accuity.
It is also now established that increasing the amount of Omega 3 in the diet can help older people who may be suffering, or who may well start suffering from macular degeneration which is a condition of the eyes which affects older people. It is in fact the leading cause of blindness in older people in the US.
So it comes as no surprise that there is now evidence that other eye diseases may also benefit from more essential fatty acids. One of these is a disease of the eyes called Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Retinitis Pigmentosa is a relatively uncommon, and hereditary eye disease which affects around one in 4000 people. It has a range of symptoms, which often become apparent in early life, including night blindness, tunnel vision and blindness for some.
There is no current cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa.
However 3 studies are now establishing that increasing your intake of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, in conjunction with an increased intake of vitamin A, may help slow the visual deterioration which results from having Retinitis Pigmentosa.
This is excellent news for those who suffer from this eye disease. It is certainly not a cure, however where a cure is not available it is better to slow the progression of a disease than not.
So it's quite clear that increasing your intake of the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, either through eating foods rich in Omega 3 such as fish, or more commonly through taking fish oil supplements, will not only help your heart, and a range of other parts of your body, it is also good for your eyes.
Visit my website to find more about the health benefits of Omega 3.