Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eat More Sardines. There's Lots Of Reasons To Eat Them

Sardines are fish that are small. That's just small in size, not small in nutrition. In fact the health benefits of sardines are greater than their size.
Sardines are a small school fish which live in many of our oceans, and they are caught in their millions. Most people eat canned sardines, and in fact sardines were the first fish ever to be canned. However many people also eat sardines fresh.
Of course eating sardines is just wonderful for the taste. Sardines are extremely yummy, however sardines are nutritious too.
You've probably heard of the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. The Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats, meaning that they are essential to the proper functioning of your body. Sardines are extremely high in the Omega 3 fatty acids.
The health benefits of the Omega 3 fats are numerous, and include a reduction in your risk of dying from heart attack as well as many other cardiovascular benefits, and improvement to mental function, just to mention a few.
In fact sardines have more Omega 3, pound for pound, than just about any other fish in the ocean.
But the health benefits of sardines just start with the Omega 3 fatty acids. Sardines are also packed with a wide range of other nutrients.
Calcium for example, which is extremely important for your bones, good nerve function and more. Or how about potassium, or phosphorus. Sardines are high in protein too.
And then there's the vitamins. These include vitamins D and E as well as vitamin B-12, in which they are very high. Vitamin B-12 is very important to the proper functioning of your immune system and central nervous system.
Then there's your skin. Sardines are high in antioxidants, which benefit the health of your skin, and the Omega 3 essential fatty acids are also extremely good for your skin, particularly for maintaining skin moisture.
Overall the most important health benefit of eating sardines is for the Omega 3 fatty acids. Science is discovering that most of us are deficient in these important fats, and increasing your intake can do wonders for your health.
So eat lots of sardines, canned or fresh, for all those good nutrients in sardines.
But to get the maximum amount of benefit from increasing your intake of Omega 3 fats take high quality Omega 3 supplements every day. That is unless you're likely to be eating a can of sardines every day.
Note that not all Omega 3 supplements are high quality. Visit my website to find out which are.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

If You Take Omega 3 Supplements You Must Read This

Omega 3 supplements are big business, and it is now estimated that sales of various Omega 3 products run into the billions of dollars. And for extremely powerful reasons. Taking high quality fish oil supplements containing DHA and EPA may well be one of the best things that you can do for your health.
Many health conditions can benefit from increasing your intake of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids, from birth, or even before, right through into older age. That's why a whole range of Omega 3 products have now, over the last decade or so, become available.
And that's why the sales of products which have DHA and EPA, the major Omega 3 essential fatty acids, have exploded.
Many people, including me, have taken fish oil supplements for many years, and intend to do so for the rest of their life.
But they may not be able to.
Yes, there is a powerful reason why you, myself and everyone else may not be able to take Omega 3 fish oil supplements for the rest of our lives.
The reason is this. The pharmaceutical industry is an immensely powerful and profitable industry. It has been both powerful and profitable for many decades, and its tentacles reach right into government.
And the tentacles of the pharmaceutical industry also reach into the FDA.
The FDA, with the support of the pharmaceutical industry, now proposes a range of actions which, if they are allowed to take them, will make virtually all nutritional supplements, including Omega 3 supplements, illegal.
Yes that's right. Most nutritional supplements will no longer be marketed to anyone in the US if the FDA is allowed to get its way. You will no longer be able to buy your Omega 3 supplements.
Of course the pharmaceutical industry will be able to produce similar products, and in fact they already do. At about 10 times the price.
This is an outrage. This is an assault on the right of people to choose how they manage their health. It is an attempt by the pharmaceutical industry to drive their competitors out of business.
Whilst you may only be an individual, and you do not have the power of the pharmaceutical industry, if enough individuals protest their voice will be heard.
To find out more about this visit my website and add your voice to the growing protest.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fish Is Contaminated. So Should You Eat Fish?

It is becoming common knowledge that most of the fish in our oceans are contaminated to some degree with Mercury, PCBs and more. Given this, is fish good for you?
There are some important nutrients in fish, probably the most important is what I call the Omega 3 essential fatty acids. These are important fats which your body cannot produce itself, which must come from your diet, and which are essential to good health. The evidence is now showing that most of us are lacking in the Omega 3 fats.
But the nutrients in fish aren't just limited to the Omega 3 fats. Fish is extremely nutritious for a number of other reasons.
Protein is essential for good health. A large part of our body is made up of protein, it exists in every cell in our body. Protein is essential for the repair of damaged muscles, makes up a large percentage of our nails and hair as well as our bones and skin.
Fish is very high in protein, around 15 to 20 percent protein in fact.
It is also well-known that red meat is high in protein. However red meat comes with saturated fat, which clogs your arteries whereas the fat in fish is unsaturated.
There are more nutrients in fish than just protein and the Omega 3 fats. Micronutrients include iodine, phosphorus and calcium and there are also good supplies of vitamins A and D.
And in a world obsessed with losing weight it's good to know that fish has no carbohydrate. It's easy to digest too. On top of that it's yummy.
Reading all that you would think that fish was the perfect food. Apart from one tiny thing. According to various sources including our own government fish is contaminated with toxins like Mercury and PCBs. And we are warned, particularly if we are a pregnant woman, not to eat too much and to only eat certain types.
Yuk. Surely then we should all be avoiding fish. Given all this, is fish good for you or should it be avoided altogether?
There's no doubt contamination is a concern, however if you're prudent, choose the right fish and don't eat lots there is no reason why you shouldn't take advantage of all of the good nutrients found in fish. Our government tells us that two fish meals a week is healthy, and there is no reason to think this isn't true.
In fact research has shown over the last couple of decades that eating too little fish has exposed most of us to a wide range of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease. Not eating fish may be far more dangerous than eating it.
Don't eat fish every night. Be careful with the type you eat, some fish is more contaminated than others. And cook it the right way. You can find out more about all of these on my website.
But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Don't stop eating fish, it's good for you.
But do make sure that you take clean high quality Omega 3 capsules every single day. To find out more about these visit my website all about the health benefits of Omega 3 fish oil.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

There's A Range Of Sources Of Omega 3 Fats. Which Ones Suit You?|

There's a range of sources of Omega 3 essential fatty acids available for anyone who is interested in increasing their intake of the Omega 3 fats. For anyone not yet familiar with the Omega 3 essential fatty acids these are important fats that your body cannot do without.
Over the last few decades research has shown that most of us in the US eat too little of the Omega 3 fats, and this is having a negative health impacts, and many scientists consider that this is contributing to the rise of some lifestyle diseases, particularly heart disease.
And unfortunately your body is unable to produce Omega 3 fatty acids itself, and so your only source is found in your diet.
The principal source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids is fish. Fish, and in particular the oil from fish, is very high in the Omega 3 fats and is in fact the best source of Omega 3. But not the only one.
There's a range of other Omega 3 sources available, and vegetarians and vegans who do not eat fish may well need to find another source.
It's perfectly possible to find a range of Omega 3 food sources. Unfortunately most of them are relatively low in those all-important essential fatty acids.
50 or more years ago beef and eggs in particular were higher in Omega3, however modern farming practices, and in particular the trend towards feeding our cattle and chickens with grain and corn has led to a significant reduction in the amount of the Omega 3 fats found in beef and eggs.
There's a range of other Omega 3 sources as well, mainly plant-based. Flax, chia and some other seeds contain these fatty acids, as well as various nuts and vegetables. However many people are less aware that there are different types of Omega 3 fats, and one of the less important types, called ALA, is the type found in plant based sources.
DHA and EPA are the most important Omega 3 fats, it is these which are found in beef and eggs as well as fish.
Of course the best Omega 3 source is fish oil supplements. These are small capsules containing fish oil, and do not have any of the downsides of eating fish. Unfortunately fish is very expensive, and it is difficult to get children to eat fish, and so taking fish oil capsules is cost-effective and simpler.
So if you're looking for different sources of Omega 3 fatty acids we hope that this has enlightened you a little more on what to look for. Don't rely on beef and eggs for significant amounts of DHA and EPA, don't rely on plant based sources for any DHA and EPA and choose a high quality brand of fish oil supplements to take daily.
Note that not all fish oil supplements are high quality. To find out which are visit my website.