Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How Do You Lower Triglycerides With Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids?

There are clear benefits of increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids, the 2 most important being DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). In particular there are well established heart benefits to taking more Omega 3 in your diet, however for anyone with high triglycerides it is also now clear that increasing your intake of essential fats can help in lowering triglycerides.

Research shows that over 90 percent of us are deficient in the important essential fatty acids found in fish oil. And research has also confirmed a wide range of heart benefits from remedying that deficiency by including more fish, or fish oil in the form of supplements, in our diet.

Some of the heart benefits of increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids include a reduction in the risk of arrhythmia, which can lead to fatal heart attack, a reduction in blood pressure and a decrease in the growth rate of plaque in the arteries. But for our purposes today the research also show a decrease in triglycerides levels.

Triglycerides are a fat that is found in your blood and which is manufactured in your body from the food that you eat. If you have high triglycerides this increases the risk of blood clots and can also lower your HDL (good) cholesterol. The bottom line is that high triglycerides are linked to coronary artery disease which can kill you. High triglycerides is also linked to some other diseases such as diabetes.

A diet high in fats and in particular in saturated fat can contribute to high triglyceride levels as can high sugar foods. Being overweight and drinking too much alcohol can also contribute.

So it would seem clear that lowering triglycerides, if you have a problem with a higher than normal triglyceride level, is a good thing, and for this reason there are many people trying to work out how to lower triglycerides.

There are a range of things that you can do to lower triglycerides if you have a problem, including reducing the amount of fatty foods and in particular foods was saturated fats, eating less sugar and exercising more. Also important is reducing alcohol intake and try to lose weight if you are overweight.

But it is now clear from the research that increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids by way of fish oil supplementation is an important part of a strategy to help lower triglycerides.

"A dose-response relationship exists between omega-3 fatty acid intake and triglyceride lowering" is just one of the statements on the website of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Another one is that "omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil decreased serum triglyceride concentrations by 25% to 30%,". These show a clear link between adequate levels of Omega3 intake and triglyceride lowering.

It is clear that increasing the intake of Omega3 fats has a role in lowering triglycerides and for this reason the American Heart Association recommends minimum levels of DHA and EPA of 2 to 4 grams per day by way of fish oil supplements under the care of a physician for people with high triglycerides.

Many people in our society suffer from higher than recommended triglyceride levels. This then is good news for them, providing them with another weapon in the arsenal to help lower triglycerides naturally.

And there is also powerful evidence of a wide range of other health benefits from increasing your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids, and for these reasons everyone, including people with high triglycerides, should seek to maintain a minimum level of fish oil in the diet, making sure you're taking the very best fish oil supplements.

Of course it is simple to eat more fish but unfortunately fish is contaminated with mercury and is generally very expensive. There are excellent fish oil supplements available which are not contaminated and which can be taken daily very cost effectively. Note however that not all fish oil supplements are of high quality.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Is It Possible That There Is An ADHD Fish Oil Link?

Does someone in your family have ADHD? Fish oil may provide the answer. Whilst it is still not conclusively proven, it is clear that using fish oil for ADHD relief may well be worthwhile.

ADHD, or what is known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, affects around 7 percent of our children, mostly boys. Somewhere around 70 percent of these continue, in their adulthood, to suffer from ADHD. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown in recent studies to be important in the treatment of various mental conditions including depression and also important for the development of the fetal brain. There is now evidence that using Omega 3 for ADHD treatment may be useful.

There are studies on ADHD sufferers that show that they have very low levels of the essential fatty acids known as Omega 3 fatty acids. The 2 most important of these are the Omega 3 fats called DHA and EPA. These are mainly found in fish and fish oil and can also be taken as fish oil supplements.

The Inflammation Research Foundation has recently concluded a study of 3 boys and 6 girls who were all previously diagnosed with ADHD symptoms. The symptoms include an inability to concentrate well on any individual past over a longer period of time and disruptive behaviour such as hyperactivity.

Over 8 weeks these children were given high doses of fish oil supplements containing Omega 3 fatty acids. Over that time the levels of the Omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA were monitored and other factors were also monitors which indicate the degree of their ADHD.

It was observed that their levels of EPA and DHA increased dramatically and the indicators of their degree of ADHD fell. Their inattention school almost halved from 18 to 10 and their hyperactivity score fell from 11 to 5. Both of these results are impressive for sufferers of ADHD. Omega 3 supplementation seems to have had a very noticeable affect.

Of course it's still too early to state that using fish oil for ADHD treatment can be used as a treatment on its own. But it does seem that there is clear evidence that using fish oil for ADHD relief is well worth investigating. It seems there is clear signs of an ADHD fish oil link.

It is also not clear what is the appropriate dosage of fish oil supplements for ADHD sufferers. Dosage levels in the trial were quite high, higher than that recommended for the general population.

But there is now little doubt that just about everyone in the US should be taking the best Omega 3 fish oil supplements, not just sufferers of ADHD. Omega 3 supplements benefit our health in a wide range of ways, including, it seems, in improving our mental state. It seems that adequate levels of essential fatty acids in our body to have an impact on conditions such as depression and ADHD.

There's a wide range of reasons, both the general health and to improve their mental state, why children with ADHD should be taking daily Omega 3 fish oil supplements.

Note that not all Omega 3 fish oil supplements are created equal. Many supplements have low levels of 2 essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, and do not represent good value for that reason.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Should YOU Take Omega 3 In Pregnancy?

There is now pretty much evidence of the health benefits of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fish oil. But what about when you're pregnant. Should you take fish oil in pregnancy?

This is actually several questions. Firstly is it safe to take fish oil during pregnancy? Yes. There are no documented risks to taking fish oil in pregnancy for healthy normal mothers.

Secondly, what are the benefits of Omega 3 in pregnancy? This is really 2 questions. What are the benefits to the mother, and what are the benefits to the fetus, or to the infant after birth?

Studies have shown a wide range of benefits to healthy (and unhealthy) adults from taking more Omega 3 fats. The same benefits should apply to any pregnant woman. And more, see below.

But most importantly, what are the benefits, if any, to the fetus and later infant from the mother taking fish oil supplements in pregnancy?

Well studies have shown quite a wide range of benefits. About 95% of adults in the US are deficient in DHA, the most important of the Omega 3 fatty acids. You get DHA from fish oil.

The brain is made up of a high percentage of fat, and the most common fat in the brain is DHA. It is essential for good brain development. The fetal brain develops most during the third trimester of pregnancy, and during this time has a high demand for EFAs, or essential fatty acids. If there is a deficiency there are possible implications for brain development and later performance.

Studies have suggested that taking fish oil during pregnancy and thereby boosting the supply of DHA to the fetus can have the following benefits to the fetus:

Improved brain function. Increased ability to concentrate as a child. Improvements in hand/eye coordination. Improvement in the ability to concentrate. Better sleep patterns in infancy. Improvements in visual acuity. A beneficial, or preventative effect for ADHD.

and much more.

And studies have also shown that a low level of DHA during pregnancy can lead to a higher risk of premature birth and also to higher risk of needing a cesarean.

If you're pregnant you need to consider tracking down the best fish oil supplements and taking them. (Note that not all fish oil supplements are good)

That's a pretty impressive list. Lets look at the benefits of taking fish oil capsules during pregnancy to the mother again.

Lower risk of postpartum depression. Reduced risk of breast cancer. Lower risk of developing pre-eclampsia. Reduced risk of a cesarean birth.

Convinced to take fish oil supplements during your pregnancy yet? Remember, around 95% of the population are deficient in Omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil, and that doesn't change when you're pregnant, unless you make it change.

Should you get your Omega 3 fats from eating fish? No problem, as long as you don't eat a lot. There are plenty of government warnings about eating fish due to mercury contamination. So how do you get your good healthy Omega 3 fats in pregnancy? Take Omega 3 capsules. The best ones aren't contaminated by mercury. But not all Omega 3 capsules are the same.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Finding Ways To Increase Your Health With Omega 3 Cooking

Unless you've been living under a rock you should know by now that getting more Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is great for your health.

Scientists are finding more and more reasons to take more Omega 3 fats into our bodies. Our hearts, our eyes, our brains, our organs, there's so many reasons to get more good fats into our body.

There's 2 essential fatty acids found in fish oil. DHA, or Docosahexaenoic acid, is the main one but EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) is also very important. These are the most important essential fatty acids.

And fish oil has plenty of good Omega 3 fats in it, so most Omega 3 supplements are based on fish oil.

But there is a third important essential fatty acid called ALA and it is the plant based form of Omega 3. It is converted in the body to DHA, although there is some doubt over how much is converted and for this reason DHA is considered better.

What you eat is what gives you your Omega 3. By far the best way to get a daily dose is to take fish oil supplements daily, but adding some more Omega 3 fats to your diet using some Omega 3 recipes from a good Omega 3 cookbook.

There's good fats and bad fats. The bad fats are those like saturated fat that is found in dairy foods and meat. If you start eating good fats and reduce your bad fats it will do a power of good for your health.

Olive oil has good fats. Canola oil does as has flaxseed oil. And there are foods rich in Omega 3 like walnuts, brussel sprouts and spinach, kale and salad greens.

The vegetables have ALA but if you're taking your fish oil supplements you're getting your DHA and EPA from that source. And you can eat fish but the FDA tells us not to eat too much fish due to chemical contamination.

So if you're taking the best fish oil supplements daily and you're doing some good Omega 3 cooking then you're getting the best of both worlds. So start looking for some high Omega 3 foods and find a few good Omega 3 recipes for the kitchen. You need to source an Omega 3 cookbook to find some great recipes.

So grab a good Omega 3 cookbook and start making some recipes. Buy a high Omega oil to cook with and begin cooking some Omega 3 recipes for the family.

So remember, whilst you should be taking daily fish oil supplements to get the maximum benefit from those good fats, its well worthwhile also concentrating on using Omega 3 recipes when doing your cooking.

Not all fishoil supplements are the same and you need to know how to source the best fish oil capsules.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are There Ways To Lower Your Triglycerides Naturally?

Do you want to find a way to lower your triglycerides naturally without taking drugs, with some simple lifestyle changes and a safe natural product?

But before we get started lets ask ourselves what triglycerides are.

It's bad for your health to eat fat isn't it? Well no, not necessarily. Some fats are good for us. But unfortunately triglycerides are a form of fat that aren't good for us.

Lets not get technical and give you the chemical explanations. Lets explain in simple language. Triglycerides are a form of fat that is in your blood that gets there from the foods you eat.

Triglycerides can be formed in the body from both fats in the food you eat as well as carbohydrates in the food.

So why do some people have too high a level of triglycerides in their blood? From what they eat, from being overweight and from drinking too much alcohol. They can also come from various health conditions.

So what foods are those that result in a higher than wanted level of triglycerides? Foods that are higher in fat, especially saturated fat, and high in sugar isn't good either.

And if you have high triglycerides why is this a problem? Because it can cause coronary heart disease problems.

So lets now look at how to lower triglycerides. If yours are too high you need to know this.

1. Eat the right diet to lower triglycerides. Foods that are lower in fat, fresh and good for your health. More fresh fruit and vegetables. Less high fat foods, less sugar. Cook with Olive oil or Canola oil.

2. Do more exercise. Exercise helps you to lower your triglycerides, and is good for you in so many other ways.

3. Reduce your alcohol intake.

4. Try to lose some weight.

5. Add more Omega 3 fats to your diet. These are some of the good fats and help lower triglycerides. So one or 2 might a week eat oily fish instead of steak.

It is well known that Omega 3 polyunsaturated fats are a big part of lowering triglycerides.

The American Heart Association says on it's website that we need to increase our intake of fish for this reason. Or take fish oil supplements. That's because fish is a very good source of Omega 3, especially oily fish. And fish oil supplements are a good way to take some fish oil every day.

Omega 3 fats are good for your heart and so many other things.

There's a problem in eating too much fish though, the FDA warns us about eating a lot of fish because fish is generally contaminated.

But the best Omega 3 supplements don't have toxins, although that isn't true for all Omega 3 capsules. And taking fish oil capsules is the best way to add fish oil to your diet daily.

That's a recipe for lowering triglycerides naturally. Some lifestyle and dietary changes and taking daily fish oil supplements and you've got a recipe for good health.

And remember, if you have a health condition, always consult your doctor as well.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's Confusing Finding The Right Fish Oil Dosage.

It's not quite clear what the right fish oil dosage is, I constantly see questions about how much fish oil should I take.

How much fish oil should you take? What is the recommended dosage of fish oil capsules for someone who has heart disease already? Should they take more fish oil supplements?

Lets have a look at the view of the American Heart Association. They tell us the benefits of Omega 3 fish oil on their website, and they look at what is the correct dosage of fish oil for people with, and without, heart disease.

Lets look at what they recommend.

Firstly though, lets consider the source of the fish oil. Now of course you could get your fish oil from eating fish. That's fine, but be aware that there are some problems associated with this, (apart from the fact that fish is very expensive and its cheaper to buy fish oil supplements).

Fish can be contaminated and for this reason the FDA tell us not to eat too much.

The very best fish oil capsules do through a strict decontamination process, so are free from chemicals. But not all fish oil capsules are.

The next problem is how much Omega 3 polyunsaturated fats you get from different types of fish. The level varies from one type of fish to another, and its hard to know what you need to eat to get enough. Generally speaking oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, lake trout, albacore tuna and salmon is better than non oily fish.

Now the AHA tells us to eat 2 fish meals a week, but what if you're worried about contamination, or fish is too expensive?

And they also say evidence from prospective secondary prevention studies suggests that taking EPA+DHA ranging from 0.5 to 1.8 grams per day (either as fatty fish or supplements) significantly reduces deaths from heart disease and all causes.

So for healthy people we should be taking around half to 1.8 grams of EPA and DHA a day from fish or supplements.

And for people who have heart disease already:

For those with documented Coronary Heart Disease: 1 gram of EPA and DHA a day. (Note that those with known heart health problems should consult a doctor before starting any supplements).

And 2 to 4 grams a day if you have triglycerides that need lowering.

That's not too vague, but lets look somewhere else.

In a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology on 11th August 2009 the recommendations are at least 500 mg per day for those with no known cardio vascular issues, and 800 to 1000 mg per day for those with known pre existing heart disease problems, of EPA and DHA.

But what about the ratio between DHA and EPA, the 2 major Omega 3 fats? How much of each? The AHA don't tell us, it's being studied.

What's the conclusion? Firstly, those with known heart disease should take more fish oil than those without.

We don't know what ratio we should aim for between EPA and DHA, but otherwise it's reasonably clear.

A minimum of a half gram a day of EPA and DHA together for healthy people and about double that for those with known heart issues. More for lowering triglycerides.

The best fish oil supplements money can buy have 280 mg of DHA and 120 mg of EPA in them. (Double the amount of DHA than your "average" capsules). So they have a total of 400 mg.

So 2 capsules a day will give you 800 mg in total, around the level proposed by the AHA. And the recommended dosage, (taken from the label), for adults is 2 capsules a day.

So if you have no known heart issues take the best fish oil supplements at a fish oil dosage of 2 capsules a day. You need to take up to double that for your "average" fish oil supplements, depending on what is in them.

So I hope that helps a little for those looking for the correct fish oil dosage. There's no exact recommendations, it's still being studied.

We can draw some conclusions from the recommendations of the AHA and others.

And those dosage conclusions correspond with the dosage recommendations of the best Omega 3 supplements money can buy. Take 2 of the best fish oil capsules day for general heart health.

Monday, August 3, 2009

All About The Benefits Of Omega 3, And Finding The Best Omega 3 Supplements

You've decided it's time to start taking fish oil supplements, but how to find the best fish oil supplements?

It's confusing isn't it? There's a whole lot of different fish oil supplements on the market and they differ a lot in price don't they?

But surely fish oil is fish oil, just buy the cheapest. Actually no, that's not the best way to buy your Omega 3, there's more to think about than price.

Basically it boils down to 4 things. The amount of DHA in the supplements, the freshness of the oils used, the purity of the oil and it's effectiveness at combating inflammation. Lets look at these one by one.

1. The quantity of the DHA.

DHA is the most important of the Omega3 fatty acids. It's the primary fat in our brain, and the one you most want to get from your supplements, along with EPA. Most capsules are 18/12, meaning that 1000 mg per serve gives you 180 mg of DHA (18%) and 120 mg of EPA (12%).

But how do you find out how much DHA is in your capsules? Read the label. If it's not listed on the label don't buy them because it isn't there for a reason. There isn't a lot, if there was they'd tell you.

2. Freshness of the oils.

Fish oil can go rancid, or oxidize. When you take a capsule and it "repeats" on you, or burps up, it's probably because it's rancid. Oxidized fish oil is high in free radicals and isn't good for you, as any free radicals aren't good for you.

3. Purity of the fish oils used.

Our friends from the sea are contaminated with toxins that we, humans, have put in their ocean. It comes from the land via rivers, (and from oil rigs) and it contaminates the water they swim in. It ends up in their flesh, and the oil that comes from it.

There's a range of different standards internationally for the quality, or purity, of fish oil. None are binding. And there's different methods of decontaminating fish oil.

4. Effectiveness of the supplements.

Some supplements are more effective than others believe it or not. One of the major benefits of Omega 3 fish oils is their ability to reduce inflammation in our bodies. Aspirin is also used for this reason, but Omega 3s work much better.

So there you have the 4 major things to consider when looking for the best fish oil supplements. More confused than ever? Sorry.

But there is good news. There is one brand of Omega 3 supplements that fulfill all these criteria. They have 28% DHA, they use oil from fish caught in the cleanest ocean in the world, the southern ocean. They purify it using molecular distillation, the most effective purification method. Then they take each batch of fish oil to an independent lab to test it, and publish the results on their website to customers can check.

And tests show that they are up to 2 1/2 times more effective against inflammation than other supplements.

They aren't, of course, the cheapest Omega 3 fish oil supplements but I hope I've convinced you that price isn't all there is to fish oil capsules.

So if you've been looking to source the best fish oil supplements there's what you need to think about.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Eating Fish. Is This The Best Way To Get Your Omega3 Fatty Acids?

Now that's a good question. We all need more omega3 fatty acids in our diet, but should we eat fish. Fish is contaminated with mercury.

And if eating fish is a bad idea because of the mercury, how else do you get that Omega3 in your diet?

Ive pointed out before that Omega 3 fats are most prevalent in fish, but that there are plant sources like flax seeds but they don't have the optimum types, or amounts, of Omega 3 fats that you need.

But surely there's a problem with eating fish, because we all know that now fish is contaminated with mercury.

The EPA says that there is mercury contamination in all fish.

And it's not a good idea to get mercury into your body, particularly for children. Your body doesn't get rid of it.

But notwithstanding, the EPA doesn't tell us to remove fish from our diet. Fish is ok in small quantities and they do offer some guidelines for how much, and what type, you should eat.

2 serves a week is fine, but for children and pregnant women they do offer some more guidelines about the types of fish to avoid.

Pregnant women and children ought to avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish. These fish are high mercury fish.

But dont eliminate all fish from your diet just because you're worried about mercury. If you like fish you can eat it, sensibly and in relatively small quantities.

But of course if you understand the importance of omega3 fatty acids in your diet you need a regular supply of fish oil. Preferable a daily supply. And there is the rub. You see for most of us ordinary people eating fish regularly is really expensive. Fish is getting more and more expensive all the time, and as it gets scarcer it gets more expensive.

And it's ok to eat it in small quantities, but if you're just eating it for those good fats there are better ways. Of course if you love eating fish then no problem. Eat it.

And there is still mercury in fish, albeit in small amounts, and there is a solution to getting your Omega3 that doesn't involve eating fish, that is cheaper than buying fish a couple of times a week, and overcomes the problem with mercury contamination.

Use the best fish oil supplements. You can get Omega3 fatty acid supplements. They contain fish oil, and they are extremely clean, sourcing their oil from fish that live in the cleanest ocean in the world, the southern ocean, and then this is put through a molecular distillation process until contaminants are undetectable.

There's no binding standards for levels of contamination allowed if fish oil capsules, and some are cleaner than others.

So if you love to eat fish, and you're independently wealthy, go for it. But if you're eating it to get your Omega3 fats, then there's cheaper better ways, with no risk of eating any mercury.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

You're Looking For The Best Omega 3 Supplements. But how Do You Choose?

You start researching Omega 3 supplements and you start finding out all about DHA and EPA and lots more. You're confused. How do you choose the best Omega 3 capsules?

You know what it's like. The more you read the worse it gets. You start learning about EPA and DHA, and long chain and short chain omega 3 fats. About ALA and converting ALA to DHA.

For example a reader recently asked me about how to choose his omega 3 fish oil capsules. He was confused about the difference between long chain and short chain Omega 3 fats, and confused about which were the best Omega 3 supplements.

I can understand his confusion. Here's a short explanation, and then well have a look at how to choose the best Omega 3 fish oil supplements.

The three Omega 3 fats we've mentioned (DHA, EPA and ALA) are polyunsaturated fats. They are all good for your body but by far the best and most important is DHA. Remember DHA is the fat that makes up a large part of your brain, though of course that isnt the only reason.

ALA is primarily found in plant foods like flax, whilst EPA and DHA are found in sea foods like fish. ALA is the less important Omega3 nutrient. And ALA is a short chain fat. No need to go into complete detail on what a short chain fat is as its really complicated.

But DHA, the most important Omega 3 fatty acid along with EPA, is what you need from your Omega 3 supplements. And all Omega 3 fish oil capsules contain DHA.

Every fish oils capsule has DHA regardless of the brand.

So it seems that fish oil supplements are better than flax seed Omega 3 supplements, but how do you choose between the different fish oil supplements?

Theres 2 things you need to look for to find the best rated Omega 3 fish oil capsules. You need to look for the quantity of DHA in the capsules, and the purity of the oil.

You can't decide which are the best value fish oil tablets without knowing how much DHA you get from them.

Supplements with a third of the amount of DHA than other supplements are not good value even if they are half the price, because on a price/DHA quantity comparison they are actually more expensive.

And thats not all, you need to consider the purity of the oils too, because, sad to say, many of our fish are contaminated with toxins. You wouldn't want to take Omega 3 capsules with traces of mercury and PCBs would you?

That's the 2 things you need to consider when choosing your Omega3 capsules.

It isn't easy to do that comparison though. I have spent some time doing it and the good news is that there is a brand of Omega3 capsules that do offer good value on DHA quantity as well as the highest purity in the industry.

But actually doing that comparison isn't as easy as you'd think and you may struggle. I have run the sums and one brand comes up as the best fish oil supplement on both DHA quantity and also on oil purity. The very best Omega 3 supplements are made by the small New Zealand company Xtend Life.

That's not really a surprise as they also make some of the worlds best nutritional supplements generally.So you may not find it easy to do the comparison yourself. But it's all done for you. Here is where you find the worlds best Omega 3 capsules.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Do Omega 3 Fats Have To Do With Infant And Fetal Development?

DHA is a fat, or more strictly speaking and essential fatty acid. It is found right through our bodies and more importantly it is the major fat found in our brains. And DHA is essential for proper fetal and infant brain development.

And, as importantly it is found in breast milk.

A developing fetus or baby cannot produce enough DHA in it's own body, so it gets it's supply from it's mother. Before birth they get it from the placenta, and after birth they get it from her breast milk. And for this reason a pregnant or nursing woman is losing some of her supply of DHA every day.

To aid in infant and fetal brain development it is now recommended that moms and moms to be should be taking DHA supplements, or more specifically Omega 3 supplements, because DHA is an essential omega 3 fatty acid. And of course there are other supplements that they should be taking as well, like folic acid.

DHA supplementation is essential for fetal brain and eye development, and other aspects of fetal development.

There are several recommendations for the amount of DHA to be taken each day, recommendations vary around 200 to 300 mg per day. And we are unlikely to get enough DHA, or omega 3 acids, through our diet.

Fish oil is the major, though not the only, source of DHA. Omega 3 fats found in fish are high in DHA. However there are some experts that are suggesting that moms do not take fish oil supplements high in DHA.

The fish at the high end of the food chain contain the most Omega 3 fats and so would be the obvious choice for a supply of DHA, but some experts believe that these fish are contaminated with some pollutants found in the sea like PCBs and mercury, and that mothers shouldn't be exposed to these.

And there are some fish oil supplements that contain some of these heavy metals.

There is in fact a number of different international standards relating to acceptable levels of contamination. But it's better to have no contamination, and luckily there is one company that seeks to achieve this. This company manufactures their omega 3 supplements a standard way higher than any of the international standards. This is good news for moms and soon to be moms, and for any of us, as we should all be taking Omega 3 fish oils supplements for our health.

So there now seems to be little doubt that mothers and pregnant women ought to be taking the best Omega 3 supplements high in DHA, for both their own health and the health and development of their babies.

So it's great news that there are now contamination free Omega 3 supplements available so we can take our Omega 3 fish oil and our DHA worry free.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why You Ought To Have More Omega 3 In Your Diet

I've been taking omega 3 fish oil supplements for a long time, to me it seems pretty obvious, and the evidence is overwhelming, that our diet is too low in omega 3 fatty acids and we need to introduce more of them in our diet. And that our intake of omega 3 fats is directly linked to our health in so many ways.

However speaking to a friend recently he told me that he wouldn't take supplements. I asked him why, and he told me that supplements are untested, unproven and unscientific. Not mainstream. I thought I'd address that.

Because for many people there is a perception that taking supplements is akin to voodoo. No one really knows what's going to happen if you do.

And there are many people who see dietary supplementation as non medical, something ordinary people ought not do, and somehow "alternative".

So lets see if there is any acceptance of Omega 3 dietary supplementation by mainstream medicine.

Well lets start with the American Heart Association. They say that, I quote here:

"Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart of healthy people, and those at high risk of " or who have " cardiovascular disease."

They make recommendations for the intake of Omega 3 fats and suggest that we eat at least a 2 servings of fish a week, and other foods high in Omega oils like soybeans and tofu.

And they are quite specific about people with CHD (coronary heart disease). They should eat at least 1 gram of EPA and DHA per day, and for those who need to lower their triglycerides its suggested that they take from 2 to 4 grams of EPA and DHA as capsules, doctor supervised.

That's quite clear isn't it. The AHA recognizes the benefits of Omega 3 fats for heart health and suggest lower limits on how much you ought to eat. And they recognize capsules as a form of supply.

Diet is of course a great way to take your Omega 3. But it isn't always quite as easy to take in enough good fats by diet alone, and I'll give you an example of why.

You can get Omega 3 oils in meat. Good old beef and lamb. But not if you buy beef and lamb that is grain fed, because although grass reared beef and lamb has omega 3 fats, grain fed beef and lamb doesn't have much. And ours is grain fed.

So getting enough good fats like omega 3 fats through diet alone isn't as easy as you might expect.

Find the best omega 3 supplements

And if you're only prepared to accept dietary supplementation if it's mainstream, then you can't get any more mainstream than the American Heart Association. They don't consider Omega 3 capsules as "alternative" or untested, or they wouldn't recommend them.